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About Electricity Deals

Who is Electricity Deals?

It’s a one-stop shop website designed to help you easily compare plans from different suppliers and switch with confidence. You can switch online or call us for help guiding them to the right plan for their home.

Your utility company controls the delivery of power to your home or business. They're responsible for maintaining the utility poles and power lines, restoring power after an outage and sending your bill. This will not change no matter who your electricity supplier is. The supplier, like those companies featured here on Electricity Deals, offer additional benefits like long-term price protection and renewable energy.

Our site takes the complexity out of researching and switching by serving up competitive plans from several trusted suppliers in one easy place.

Electricity Deals only posts suppliers that offer transparent pricing. That means you don't have to worry about misleading rates or hidden fees. Instead, you can focus on a plan that works for you: one with renewable energy, long-term price protection and more. Learn more about the suppliers on our site.

Electricity Deals has suppliers that service states throughout the country. Enter your ZIP code to see if we're available in your area.

About Customer Choice

Deregulation means that you have the power to choose who supplies electricity to your home or business. By choosing your supplier on Electricity Deals, you can enjoy a transparent plan from a trusted supplier. Your local utility will continue to provide regular service without interruption, as well as handle any service issues and outages. Check out our Energy 101 page for additional information on energy deregulation.

About Electricity Plans & Switching Suppliers

It’s easy. The first thing you’ll need to have handy is your account number. This is usually found on the first page of your utility bill. Then, enter your zip code on our shop for plans page. This will take you to a selection of plans that you can chose for your home.

We’ve made it easy to compare suppliers and plans. You can quickly see each plan’s rate, term length, whether it’s a fixed or variable rate, any fees and unique plan benefits. 

For customers in Pennsylvania, your new electricity plan typically takes effect within 3 business days. For customers in Illinois and Ohio, your new electricity plan typically starts within 1-2 meter read cycles.

Yes, your new supplier will take care of everything. The switch will be seamless without any service interruption and your utility will continue to send you bills and handle any service issues and outages.

You’ll continue to receive one monthly bill from your utility. The bill will include a line item from your new provider for your energy charge and the delivery service charge from your local utility. You’ll continue to pay your local utility directly.

Nope. Electricity Deals offers energy plans with no sign up or hidden fees. You may want to check with your current supplier or utility to see if they charge any termination or other fees.

All of Electricity Deals' suppliers offer price-protected rates. With price-protection, your residential or small commercial rate is guaranteed to stay the same for the length of your initial term. For example, if you have a 12-month price-protected plan, you can rest assured that your price/kWh will not change for at least 12 billing cycles.

You’ll need to contact your local utility if you have a billing related question or to report a power outage. 

In order to sign up with one of Electricity Deals' suppliers, you’ll need to find your account information from your local utility. It's usually located on the first page of your bill.


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